We discovered it at our first Wine and Jazz Festival, it was offered by George Spencer Vineyard of Gibbon as one of the things we could sample. Jessi and I, still being young in the wine world, thought that it was a type of wine that we could buy, so when I went to purchase a bottle, I was informed that it was not for sale but if one purchased a bottle of their white, it came with a copy of the recipe.
White Peach Sangria
2-Bottles Pinot Grigeo (any white would work but you'll want a semi-sweet that is on the drier end of the scale so the sangria is not too sweet)
1-750 mL peach schnapps
½- bottle of white grape peach iuice
½- cup of vanilla sugar
Sliced fruit-oranges, lemons, limes, peaches
Mix it all together and let it sit in the fridge for a few hours to overnight so all the flavors meld together.
If you don't know what vanilla sugar is (I sure didn't the first time I made it), it is sugar infused with vanilla. At first, I just used a half a cup of sugar with a few drops of vanilla which worked but not as well as the real deal.
You can make it by putting 2 cups of sugar into an air tight container with a vanillia bean that you slice down the length of and scrape. Mix the scrapings with the sugar, bury the bean in the sugar and store in a cool place for 1-2 weeks. Shake every couple of days to mix up. (recipe from Good Eats w/ Alton Brown).
Or you can buy it. The only place that I have found it is at Savory Spice Shop in Denver but there are a lot of places that sell it online (including Savory at http://www.savoryspiceshop.com/).
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