Friday, February 17, 2012

Broken Rule

I broke one of my rules for this one.... the one about not buying wine without a cork in the bottle. I'm sorry. It was just soooo damn cute!!!! It's like a pudding cup of wine!

God Bless 'Mur'ka!


Exciting news today in the world of the Nebraska Wine Tour: I'm chalking it up to them knowing my address from sending in my passport from last year but I got a shiny new 2012 Wine Tour passport in the mail today!!!!

It wasn't really much of a surprise since Jessi had texted me earlier and told me that she had gotten one in the mail and that I should check my box when I got home. I ripped open the envelope to discover not one, but TWO passports just waiting to be stamped. Looks like they are encouraging me to recruit more friends to join Jessi and I on this year's adventure...

Challenge Accepted!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wine Review #3: Beringer's Red Moscato

With my adventures on the Nebraska Wine Tour, this blog, and my random wine-themed stories, my friends, coworkers, and random acquaintances know how much of a wineaux I am. This tends to have its advantages (although, it might look to outsiders that I have a serious problem).

For example, my friend, Cathy, and I recently got around to exchanging our Christmas presents (our goal was to do it by Valentine's Day, mission accomplished!) and I could not help but be excited by what she got me: 2 bottles of wine! The first was my favorite moscato, Rex-Goliath which is super cheap and has a rooster on the label (she had Puffy run recon so she got the right kind) and the second was one I had never heard of before, Beringer's Red Moscato. I was really excited to try it and I was proud of Cathy for stepping out of her comfort zone (she knows nothing about wine and is rather apprehensive about the subject) to get something new for me.

Beringer's Red Moscato is sweet and light like most moscatos but there is a definite difference. The only way I can describe it is the "red difference." Dry to Sweet, red and white wine have a different taste. Chalk it up to tannins or just the color but blindfolded, I bet most people could point out the red vs. the white.

Either way, I LOVED it!!! It was also a huge hit with my mom and friend, Matt... I made Puffy and Joey try it. They were not fans... so my mission to turn them into wine drinkers continues.

It has become my new favorite wine and the hunt continues for where to get it since Cathy refuses to tell me where she found it.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pour Choices, Bad Decisions

Drinking copious amounts of alcohol usually leads to Pour Choices and Bad Decisions for most people. I am a wineaux who would love to present a refined and sophisticated air… but I know this first hand.

1) A general Pour Choice comes in the form of a design flaw by wine glass manufacturers. While I personally love the idea, I think it is a horrible thing to sell. What I am speaking of, is, of course, those HUGE wine glasses that you can fit a half a bottle of wine or more in.

While I know that you are not supposed to fill them to the brim, that they are made that big so the wine has room to breathe and you can swirl the wine to allow the different flavors and notes rise to your pallet, etc., but who honestly follows those unwritten rules when the second or third bottle gets uncorked?

2) My first true Pour Choice that involves wine came from a night of drinking with Jessi, my sister Laura, and our friend Owen. Jessi and I were drinking wine like we are wont to do when somebody had the brilliant idea of wine bombs.

Why? Oh, dear God, WHY?!

This is where a drunk and/or stupid person adds cherry flavored vodka to an innocent glass of wine. I want to say that it was to try to make that poor bottle of frozen strawberry wine from a previous post taste better, but I honestly can’t remember. I would think that that would be the only reason to add vodka to wine, but who knows.

After the suggestion, Jessi and I poured ourselves fresh glasses of wine and poured a about a half a shot’s worth of cherry flavored vodka in. Jessi did the intellegent thing- she sipped on it until it was gone… not the best idea but it was the better of the two.

I did what you are supposed to do with a bomb- I tossed it back in a huge gulp. Awful idea! One of the worst I have ever had. I was pretty much done for the night and spent a while holding onto the armrest so I wouldn’t tumble off the couch.

Damn gravity always trying to keep me down.

3) A fairly popular Bad Decision that has been known to spread mono is passing the bottle. While I love wine glasses too much to do this very often (they make me feel classy, what can I say?) it has been known to happen. It’s usually the cheap bottle that gets opened toward the end of the night when we have lost all ability to differentiate between good ideas and a hole in the ground.

Thank goodness that this does not happen all that much.

4) Pour Choice: Gallon of Sangria, ready at hand. This came about when Jessi and I were exploring the wine choices at the Bottle Shop. We picked out a couple different wines and then somebody decided it would be a good idea to get a gallon of Sangria… I probably had a hand in it so I could get a glass jug for round 2 of mead making (a fail any way you look at it since the jug got left at a friend’s house and then thrown away).

When we arrived back to my apartment, we cracked open the gallon of sangria and did something that shouldn’t happen (see #3 Bad Decision-passing the bottle) we drank straight from the jug. Mostly so we could get pictures.

It made us feel very Appalachian-esque, drinking moonshine out of a brown jug.

I’m ashamed to admit that it took a few minutes to figure out how to hook our thumb through the loop and rest the bottle just so on our elbow so we could drink one-handed. Something we accomplished amid lots of giggles and leaky chins. 

Well, that gallon of sangria did not fit in the fridge, so it got left on the floor under the coffee table in the living room. Bad idea… it left entirely too much wine too close at hand, which was evident one evening when I made supper for my friend/ roommie, Puffy, and friend Joey. We were sitting around watching movies after, the guys enjoying some beer… me drinking the wine.

My head hurt the next morning… and that’s all I have to say about that.